For my coursework we had to put together a short sequence called 'Feed the Fish'. We were given a short script which we could choose to follow or add our own scenes to change it up and add our own twist to it. The preliminary sequence was a chance to experiment with some new camera shots and choose how to display the dialogue in a effective way. We all had to use continuity editing make the sequence flow nicely.
Our preliminary sequence is only 57 seconds long as we made it brief and followed the script, getting straight to the point. We wanted to experiment with different shots when filming the sequence such as low angles and close-ups to make is visually intresting to watch, however I think that one of the weak points about the sequence was the first 10 seconds. The camera moves around from the floor to the side making the footage jump from one cut to another which made the cuts uneffective because we were aiming for the whole sequence to have continuity editing.
Another cut that could of been adjusted is the footage of the door opening. It all happens very quickly but the footage is quickly cut to show a close up of her hand before the door is quickly opened. This would be more smooth if I had edited the footage to match the other shots.
Another small mistake is during the conversation footage the tripod can be seen in the background. This was a mistake during filming and was not noticed until we began to edit the footage later on. I have learnt to always check that anything that should not be in the shot should be moved before filming.

The best part of the sequence is the conversation that takes place, the camera cuts from when person to another to show who's talking at the right time. It is a clear cut that runs smoothly into the flashback scene. All of the cuts were shot in two parts, one facing the first person and the other facing the second. They were then edited into seperate parts to look more like a natural conversation. When editing this part I had to make sure that if character B was leaning against the wall in one shot she would have to be doing the same in the reverse shot. This meant that I had to look at all the small details when editing to make sure that everything was the same when the shot switched to face the other person.
The flashback footage had a grey effect on it to show that it was a memory of the past, as grey often represents something being old (in the past). We decided to add an element of humour to our sequence by making the 'fish' a shocked fish trying to escape in a box. We made the fish out of paper and put in under the box to create a new camera shot. We thought this gave the serious dialogue a humorous under tone.
The music was added last and we decided to go for a low sinister music to set the serious tone for the stern conversation. The music also adds to the humour as it contrasts with the flashback footage adding humour and seriousness together. The music may be a bit to tense for the sequence but it can also add to the comic side of the sequence.
Overall I think that the sequence was quite good in some aspects such as the conversation and flashback but there are plenty of parts that could be improved, and I now know what I can improve for my opening sequence that I will be making in the future.