Tuesday 10 February 2015

Group Progress - Media Room

Today we filmed the last scene in our opening sequence which took place inside our media room. The plot behind this ending is: the protagonist runs into a media room to hide from the antagonist however when she enters the room around 15 computer screens are static. The sound overpowers the protagonist and she cries for the noise to stop and to her surprise it does. Except on which remains on. She goes over to this computer and turns it off. She sighs in relief but someone begins to approach her. This figure raises a pair of large scissors in attempts to kill the protagonist however she turns around just in time to see the figure. In attempts to get away from the figure, the protagonist runs but gets herself cornered and then the figure kills her. However the protagonist wakes up back in the science room where she started and the whole experience starts again.
The death of the protagonist is key to our opening as she needs to be able to wake up back where she started and she can not do this unless she is knocked out or killed. Our weapon choice is a giant pair of scissors. We chose this as a weapon it matches the school theme and is unique to our antagonist.
The static also worked out really well, each computer had the static video playing and it looked great both on and off camera.
Overall I think the footage looks good however the ending was rushed due to a class wanting the room for their lesson. Other than that everything else worked out well and we got many great shots, using many different camera angles to make our sequence more interesting to watch.

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